Welcome to ...
The friendly club
Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through the
Midland Counties Photographic Federation
Honorary President: The Mayor of Lichfield
"taking a good photograph doesn't necessarily require an expensive camera"

"creativity and visual awareness are the most important qualities of a good photographer"
Skeleton Leaves by Anne Anderson
About Lichfield Camera Club - Frequently asked Questions
Q How often do you meet?
A The club meets every Wednesday from September to May
Q Where do you meet?
A Lichfield Methodist Centre, Backcester Lane in the centre of Lichfield. There is ample parking close by.
Q What sort of activities will I experience?
A We have a range of activities that includes practical evenings, lectures, internal competitions, external competitions and exhibitions in the local area.
Q Do you have to be a member to attend meetings?
A No, you are welcome to come as a guest to get a taste of our activities. Hopefully you will enjoy what you see and want to join us.
Q What are the benefits of becoming a member?
A You can enter competitions and get help to improve your photography by using our mentoring scheme. You will also be able to get your images viewed by a wider audience through our website, local media and by participating in club exhibitions.
Q I have only just started photography, will there be something at my level or will I feel out of my depth?
A We welcome newcomers of all abilities. As a teaching and learning club we aim to help everyone to improve their photography and new members find they can make rapid progress in developing their skills.
Q How old do you have to be to join the club?
A The club is open to photographers of all ages. However, as part of our safeguarding policy we do ask that persons under 18
years of age be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Q Do I need an expensive camera to join the club?
A Absolutely not. Many excellent images can been taken with a Smartphone nowadays. Creativity and visual awareness are the most important qualities of a good photographer.
Q How could my photography develop?
A When you have reached a certain standard you might decide to submit your work for distinctions awarded by external bodies such as the Royal Photographic Society or the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. Seeking independent ratification of the standard of one's work can be both highly motivating and very satisfying when successful. However, we realise this is not for everyone and many members will be happy producing good quality images that are admired by friends, families and fellow members.
For more details on joining the club go to the Membership Page.