Welcome to ...
The friendly club
Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through the
Midland Counties Photographic Federation
Honorary President: The Mayor of Lichfield
Print Competitions
For each print, which you wish to enter into a competition, you will also need to produce a PDI version in exactly the same way as if you were entering a PDI Competition. Members can enter up to 2 Colour and 2 Mono images for each Internal Print Merit Competition.
2. Log in to PhotoEntry and you will see two Internal Merit Print Competition groups, one for Colour and one for Mono
(a) select the appropriate group: Colour or Mono
(b) select the appropriate competition date from the list
(c) click “add new entry” and type in your title
(d) click “select jpeg and select the appropriate file to transfer
(e) your entries should be uploaded no less than a week before the Competition night (see timetable below)
3. The PDI version of your print will be projected during judging, this should provide a better quality image for audience viewing on the screen. PhotoEntry will shuffle the entries to the order in which they are to be shown, so it will be necessary for me to ensure that the actual Prints are in the same order
4. The timetable for entering prints is shown below. Please note that it will not be possible to accept prints on the evening of the competition.
(a) There will be two hand in nights for prints on the two Wednesdays preceding the Competition night.
(b) PDI versions of your prints should be uploaded into PhotoEntry by the Wednesday prior to the Competition night.
5. If any member is a darkroom worker with no computer facilities for producing PDIs, please contact theCompetition Secretary for assistance in entering competitions.

Cheetah by Susan Freeman